And upon this rock I will build this church

June 19th, 2010

Why a rock????

Tuff Stuff.

Very Determined.

Beyond Determined



June 15th, 2010

Begin Here.

Not there in the mirey clay of “where you came from”
Not there in the cloudy doubt of “where you are going”

but Here
Here on solid ground.

Begin Now.

Let go of that ancient millstone history;
Let go of that phoney lodestone future.

Begin Now
Now is solid ground.

“This is the way, walk ye in it”
says the voice of God.

“That was the way, too bad you missed it”
says the Liar.

“Now is the day of salvation”
says the voice of God.

“Someday, if you get lucky, maybe you’ll be happy”
says the Liar.

The Liar is future tense anxiety past tense anguish
God speaks present tense “I love you”

But how do you know you are here?
Be still, and feel:

  is where Love loves you

  is where Truth speaks your name

  is where Spirit sings you a lullaby.

Right here is where you always are

How do you find now?
Be still, and listen:

  is when Mind accepts you

  is when Soul sings YES to you

  is when Life’s arms hold you

Right now is when you always be

And being, suddenly you find your feet
on the holy ground of Principle.

And you know:
  This — right now! — is the best time of your life.
  This — right here! — is the best place to be.

  There is no lie to fight
  Only thought to change

  So accept God is with you *here*
  Rejoice God loves you *now*

  Right where you are.

So take off those stiff shoes
and toss those cursed fig leaves
of cheated past and incurable future.

And, having nothing between
you and your Father-Mother God.

Look up!
Up there!

There’s a Rainbow smiling over your head

Look down!
Right there!

There’s solid Rock under your feet

And look around!
All around!

You actually already are God’s perfect child!

 — Here
and Now.

 – Mark

No Poisonous Thoughts

June 15th, 2010

A few weeks ago my wife and I decided to go camping with some friends in the mountains. I love the outdoors and was really looking forward to the trip. We also planned on doing a little hiking. Shortly after we had arrived I remembered that the last time I had come up to these parts I had to battle the belief of poison oak. Of course I prayed about the last experience and it did not spread as it has in the past, and did disappear eventually. This time however, I felt that I should handle this fear before we went out hiking. I prayed about it and started to glimpse the idea that nothing in God’s creation could be poisonous, not could any one God made to reflect him be subject to anything poisonous. As I prayed the thought came to me, “Can God get poison oak?” Of course not! Than neither could I.

I held to this and worked with an idea from the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer of Christian Science, which reads, “When the illusion of sickness or sin tempts you, cling steadfastly to God and His idea. Allow nothing but His likeness to abide in your thought. Let neither fear nor doubt overshadow your clear sense and calm trust, that the recognition of life harmonious — as Life eternally is — can destroy any painful sense of, or belief in, that which Life is not. Let Christian Science, instead of corporeal sense, support your understanding of being, and this understanding will supplant error with Truth, replace mortality with immortality, and silence discord with harmony.” Science and Health pg. 495

The next morning we had a very inspired lesson study of the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, (the textbook on Christian Science healing), and I felt full of love, joy, and peace. As we headed out on the hike I reaffirmed the truth about God and our protection from harm under His government. The trail started out very narrow at the beginning and there were plants that resembled the poison oak I had been working to protect myself from. As we prompted along I continued to pray, not just for myself, but for our whole group to be protected by God’s loving care. We had a wonderful hike.

A few days after we returned home, I noticed the signs of this disease manifest itself on my hand. It started to itch and as I was at work I unconsciously began to scratch at it. As soon as I realized what was going on I stopped and prayed. I knew that this was not a part of the everlasting harmony of Soul, God, and that it could not affect me in any way. I was tempted to look at it often and see if it was spreading but each time I did, I clung “steadfastly to God and His idea” [my perfect selfhood in his likeness]. By the next day all irritation was gone. The rash the had begun had disappeared, and I was left with the grateful assurance that “… with God, all things are possible.” Mat. 19:26

Good Dog

June 6th, 2010

During the weekend, our dog was becoming very aggressive with another dog we were camping with. My husband and I knew this wasn’t the way that God had created him, because He has created everything good, like it says in the Bible. I began to really affirm this in my thought, and I knew that God’s law supported this affirmation, because it is the truth. I reminded our dog that he was loving and kind and that he really did love that other dog because God made him to love. He then became friendly with that dog, and the aggressive behavior stopped. I’m grateful for the little ways that God shows us He really did make everything good, and that we can prove this in practical everyday ways 🙂

Val Kilmer talks about his film in the making on Mark Twain and Mary Baker Eddy. Go to Enjoy!

June 2nd, 2010

Go to and click on “past chats.”

What do you learn in Sunday School?

May 25th, 2010

We believe …“A little child will lead them” (Isaiah 11: 6)



-Helping children/teens discover their Godlike qualities and their innate greatness, in a casual Sunday school setting

Click here for information

“which is the Christ in you; the hope of glory.” Col 1: 27

Learn what God is.

What God’s love means to you:

To keep you healthy.

To keep you happy.

To keep you safe.

To keep you true to yourself.

To keep you loving others.

To know the Bible.

These ideas spring from the direction stated in the Christian Science Manual, Article XX, Subject of Lessons. Section 3.’ The first lessons of the children should be the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20: 3-17), the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6: 9-13), and its Spiritual Interpretation by Mary Baker Eddy, Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5: 3-12). The next lessons consist of such questions and answers as are adapted to a juvenile class, and may be found in the Christian Science Quarterly Lessons, read in Church services. The instructions given by the children’s teachers must not deviate from the absolute Christian Science contained in their textbook.’

We tailor the classes to the age and experience of the children present, so that they can learn how to apply God’s law of divine Love to their own lives, in their own way. Sometimes the youngest children find it easier to heal than adults because of their innocent receptive thought.

What is Sunday School all about?


Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, (just South of H Street – across from Starbucks), Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions

If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.


Fruitage from Ribbon Cutting and Healing in Africa Talk!

May 13th, 2010

Thank you for your loving support of our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Mark Ruble’s talk on Reading Rooms and Healing in Africa! It was such a happy time – an opportunity to get to know each other and hear of the wonderful quick, whole and complete healings that have been done in Africa. It was also heartwarming to hear of the practical steps that have been taken to help those in Africa with the basic needs of food and clothing. For more information on helping those in Africa, go to

This was such a joyful time, we hope you can come and visit us during Reading Room hours, to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and opportunity to find out how to bring healing into your lives, and the lives of others.

Thank you!

Below are the links to Mark’s wonderful talk!

Healing in Africa 1

Healing in Africa 2

Healing in Africa 3

Healing in Africa 4

Healing in Africa 5

Healing in Africa 6

Healing in Africa 7

See what Love has prepared by Mark Patterson

April 25th, 2010

So I’m driving my old 1968 VW camper bus with my friend Scot up to visit his grandpa on his homestead along the Wind River in Wyoming. My VW has a habit of occasionally eating its fan belt, so I always carry a couple spares. I am between jobs so I figured it’s cheaper replacing the fan belts than repairing the problem.

Scot and I’ve been driving non-stop for hours now across the vast lonely open spaces of eastern Oregon when suddenly the VW’s warning lights come on. It ate a fan belt. We pull over, open the engine hatch, I pop on another, and we’re on our way.

A half hour later the warning lights come on again! What?! Another fan belt’s gone. I know I have one more, so I fix it. But now I’m nervous. We haven’t passed a town or a gas station for a long time and the idea of being stuck without help and maybe missing out on visiting Grandpa is disconcerting to say the least.

I start thinking, “Well, if it’s right to see Grandpa, it’ll work out.” It’s Wednesday night and Scot suggests that we have our own little testimony meeting (as is common in Christian Science churches) and so we do. I’m reluctant at first, but Scot starts off and soon we’re sharing things we’re grateful to God for and my anxiety lessens dramatically.

Until the dashboard lights up again.

We’ve burned through 3 fan belts in the space of 60 miles. Plus now there are mysterious metal shavings coming off the engine pulley. Ugh. I rummage around anxiously and – find one last spare fan belt. It feels like a minor miracle.

We put it on, get back in the VW, and this time, both of us start to pray.

Praying trusts our deepest desires to God. It turns us away from the fatalistic resignation of “if it’s right, it’ll work out” kind of thinking. Knowing that God is Love and that Love is power helps us let go of fear, let’s us become still, lets us see the solution – the salvation – Divine Love has always already prepared for us.

And that’s exactly what happens to Scot and me.

Praying lets me glimpse that if God really is Love, and if God really is power, and if God is really actively present in our lives, then I can be a witness to that. I cling to this idea. You could say I “stand still” with it, because it is a solid Biblical truth. Not an “if it’s right it’ll work out” kind of thing. No. Solid. It helps me actively look and see what Love has prepared for us, right here and right now.

That’s all I need to do: just see what Divine Love has prepared for us.

What a wonderful feeling that is, to know that my job right now is just to be a witness of what Love has already prepared for us. It’s actually fun to think about – because you know it has to be good. Mrs. Eddy – whose life was full of such witnessing, wrote: “Each successive stage of experience unfolds new views of divine goodness and love.” (Science and Health p. 66:14)

And that is about to be proven.

So we drive on. And on. And in the growing twilight we see some buildings up ahead. We’re on the outskirts of Boise already! And there, just off the road is… a VW dealership!

It’s almost 9pm now and we figure we can just pull in there, sleep in our bus for the night, and wait until morning to get help. But then we notice that the back door of the building is open. But instead of being happy, I start to worry “what if no one’s there” or “what if someone is there, but they don’t want to help us.”

Then I remember, no! Let’s just see what Love has prepared for us.

So we park and walk through the open door. There are five mechanics busily putting things away and cleaning up and obviously getting ready to leave. I start to worry again about burdening them with our problems but then remember again “just to see what Love has prepared” and I hear myself asking “Can you help us?”

One of the mechanics comes over, wiping his hands off on a red shop rag, he asks us what’s the problem.

We tell him the story, how we’re on our way to visit Scot’s grandpa, how the VW ate three fan belts and now there are these metal shavings and we weren’t sure why.

He comes out to our VW bus and looks at the engine. Then quietly goes back inside and starts looking through a junk box. My mind is filling again with “what if he can’t find what we need” and then immediately I go back to that solid thought of just trusting that God is present, blessing all of us, that we actually can see what Love has prepared.

He pulls out a pulley wheel and rummages around some more and – in the midst of this big box of all kinds of junk – finds a tiny shim, the missing little piece of metal that wedges the pulley wheel correctly in place. Then he looks around under a shop bench, finds a box of fan belts and pulls out one that had come off an old Chevy. “This’ll fit” he says, then goes back out to our VW and installs everything, sliding in the missing shim, adjusting the torque on the pulley bolt correctly, and putting on the belt just right.

Then the worrying thoughts start to come back again: We hardly have any money. How much is this going to cost? How am I going to pay for this?

But I stop. And then I sincerely go back in my heart, remembering to just stop being afraid and see what Love has prepared. He looks up at us and says “That oughta do it” and I ask him how much we owe him, and he says “Nothing. Just go have a good visit with your grandpa.”

Maybe all of twenty minutes have passed and, after shaking his hand and thanking him profusely, we are back on the road to Wyoming – rejoicing to be witnesses to the wonderful kindness that Love had prepared for us.

I’ve leaned on this lesson many times since that trip. And it has made me realize how important it is not to resign my thinking to fatalism, to the “if it’s right, it’ll work out” kind of wishful thinking that has nothing to do with the way Jesus taught us to pray and rely on God. Jesus taught us to silence that kind of wishywashy fearful approach. He taught us instead actively pray, to be expectant that God’s goodness for us is present, right where we are, to leave fear behind, to stand still with Love, and then go to that place inside where we can see the salvation of the Lord – where we can feel ourselves being an active witness to what Love – not fear, or fate, or history, or circumstances – has prepared for us.

Mrs. Eddy wrote: “Immortal Mind is God, immortal good; in whom the Scripture saith ‘we live, and move, and have our being.’ This Mind, then, is not subject to growth, change, or diminution, but is the divine intelligence, or Principle, of all real being; holding man forever in the rhythmic round of unfolding bliss, as a living witness to and perpetual idea of inexhaustible good.” Misc. 82:28

So why give in to thinking “If it’s right it’ll work out” when God is already holding you in His arms? When you are already His “living witness to… inexhaustible good”?

Divine Love has great things in store for you. Don’t be afraid. Listen to the intuition that guides you to trust in God and His goodness. Silence the fear and still your thoughts, and stand focused on witnessing God, divine Love, in action.

This is seeing the salvation of the Lord. This is receiving your daily bread – your daily experience of the grace of God. This makes your life a great adventure of giving as well as receiving Love’s blessings.

Oh, and by the way, Scot and I had a great time at Grandpa’s ranch, a safe drive home, and my VW bus never ate a fan belt again.

“Give us this day our daily bread.” Give us grace for today; feed the famished affections.

You are always invited to join us for our Sunday church service at the Reading Room in person or on zoom Sunday morning at 10 am PT. To let us know you are coming, please email us at and we can help you find the link to our meeting. After church we have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions

If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your Subscription.


What I love

April 25th, 2010

What I love isn’t a person
Not a body, personality
It is the perfect reflection, expression of You
What else can I do
But see You

The mortal seems so real
But it is just a counterfeit
Man is made in your own image
Perfect and spiritual
So all I can see and love is only You

Laura Wright
Encinitas, CA

Getting Out

April 25th, 2010

Out of the stuffy, dark
Closet of self
Into the cool, fresh breeze
Of unselfishness
Joy just there
Not because of person, place or circumstance
Just there
Ever-present good
Never ending Love
Changing forms
But continually flowing
Lighting our way, keeping us safe


Laura Wright
Encinitas, CA