Am I spreading the good news? By Marsha Pecaut, CS. from the Christian Science Sentinel March 29, 2021 ISSUE

April 3rd, 2021


We all have our stories about the past year. Some might be about frustration or fear, others about resilience or hope. And yet, I’ve come to see all of them as learning experiences.

One of these occurred when my husband and I were stuck behind closed borders after traveling to Canada in March 2020. Unable to get back to our home in the United States because of pandemic travel restrictions, we felt blessed to meet Canadian neighbors who befriended and assisted us.

Like millions around the globe, we turned to computer apps to stay connected to family, friends, and coworkers during the isolation. As we compared notes on the challenging time we all faced, I realized I was believing that I was on a mental roller coaster, trying to keep up with what was
happening locally, at home, and around the world.

When I saw that I had a choice whether to ride up and down or be still and pray, a question occurred to me: “What am I spreading—fears and worries, or the good news of our God, who is divine Life, Truth, and Love?”

This question necessitated honesty as to what I was believing. I started to examine my thinking moment by moment to see where my focus was—on the distressing human scene, or on the ever-present good news of God—divine Spirit, Mind—and His love.

The Christ is here today to awaken us from any hypnotic dream or lie about our true being and God-maintained safety.

St. Paul says, “The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). This spiritual consciousness doesn’t include sickness, terror, anger, disdain, or division, but only love for and obedience to the one God, who created us all. Demonstrating this Christly state of thought in our daily life means being a spreader of good news, not a bearer of bad news.

During daily walks with our Canadian neighbors, instead of joining discussions of disease and media reports describing discord, I learned to listen for opportunities to share the good news of our wholeness and integrity as God’s expression, made in His image and likeness, as the Bible says.

For example, one day when the talk turned to mental health and politics, I related a true story about a hypnotist going around to each table at a business banquet, attempting to hypnotize individuals to do silly things to entertain the crowd. A couple who were Christian Scientists were the only guests at the dinner who did not respond to the hypnotist’s suggestions. The wife said later that when the hypnotist reached her table, she was silently affirming that God is the only Mind, and that man does not need or want to succumb to intrusive mental suggestions. Her resistance was a protection against mental manipulation.

As we walked with our neighbors, this story led to a conversation about the importance of doing our own thinking in order to avoid being manipulated. I shared this statement by Mary Baker Eddy from her textbook on Christian Science, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: “The time for thinkers has come” (p. vii).

When governments began strongly recommending or even mandating that face masks be worn, I realized that compliance doesn’t stop us from spreading the good thoughts we think or the love we live. Such compliance, when motivated by love for our neighbors and our communities, can only support us in practicing the Science of Christ with the expectation of healing hearts, minds, and bodies. Mrs. Eddy states, “Genuine Christian Scientists are, or should be, the most systematic and law-abiding people on earth, because their religion demands implicit adherence to fixed rules, in the orderly demonstration thereof” (Retrospection and Introspection, p. 87).

While vaccinations are being administered around the globe in an effort to protect people from the coronavirus, we can go back to the question, “What am I spreading? Am I spreading the good news of God’s glory?” Divine Love, which includes no evil, confers the only real protection against disease—and we can understand and claim this immunity as God-given. When we know ourselves and others to be the expression of immortal Spirit, divine Love, we’re less susceptible to material beliefs, including sickness and sin. The Christ is here today to awaken us from any hypnotic dream or lie about our true being and God-maintained safety.

Nothing can stop the spread of God’s pure thoughts among all His children. And it’s our job to reflect that purity in thought and life. As Paul instructs, “Brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8).

Mrs. Eddy echoes that teaching in an article included in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany: “Beloved Christian Scientists, keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love, that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them. It is plain that nothing can be added to the mind already full. There is no door through which evil can enter, and no space for evil to fill in a mind filled with goodness. Good thoughts are an impervious armor; clad therewith you are completely shielded from the attacks of error of every sort. And not only yourselves are safe, but all whom your thoughts rest upon are thereby benefited” (p. 210).

We can’t force Truth and Love on the world—and we don’t need to. Our role is to be witnesses to the present perfection of God, divine Truth and Love, and His creation, to “speak as the oracles of God” (I Peter 4:11). We do this when we allow God’s law of harmony to govern us, for in reality, Love reigns and is All. And we can spread this divine good news wherever Love leads us to.

You are invited to join us for our Sunday church service on zoom every Sunday at 10 am PT. To join please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. We meet for an hour and then have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science.  If you would like to join us send us an email or call 541 753 6395

The Encinitas Reading Room is currently open by appointment only.

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A valentine . . . from God?

February 14th, 2021

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The Encinitas Reading Room is currently open by appointment only.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

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WHAT ARE YOUR POLITICS?” – “….to help support a righteous government; to love God supremely, and my neighbor as myself.” – Mary Baker Eddy

February 11th, 2021



From the March 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

READERS of Mrs. Eddy’s writings are aware of her keen insight into national and international affairs, and of her clear interpretation of them according to the teachings of Christian Science. Her interesting and always reasonable attitude towards current events elicited many inquiries regarding her personal views as to politics. In reply to one of these requests Mrs. Eddy said (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany,p. 276): “I am asked, ‘What are your politics?’ I have none, in reality, other than to help support a righteous government; to love God supremely, and my neighbor as myself.”

Some of the problems intertwined with present-day politics were pointed out by Mrs. Eddy in an article entitled “Insufficient Freedom,” published in the New York World, December, 1900, and later included in “The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany” (p. 266), in which she mentions “the most imminent dangers confronting the coming [twentieth] century” as “the robbing of people of life and liberty under the warrant of the Scriptures; the claims of politics and of human power, industrial slavery, and insufficient freedom of honest competition; and ritual, creed, and trusts in place of the Golden Rule, ‘Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.’ “

In its genuine meaning, politics is “the science of civil government,” but in a lower import it refers to artful party intrigues in political affairs; or, to one’s political sentiments. Mrs. Eddy had a very comprehensive knowledge of the Science of true government, and her political sentiments were of the highest excellence, as may be seen in her strong appeals for justice, equality, fair play, and for the individual’s inalienable rights as a citizen of his country.

The cold selfishness of partisanship, the emoluments of office, the intrigues and costly paraphernalia of party politics, found no place in Mrs. Eddy’s answer to the question, “What are your politics?” Reared with puritanic respect for rightly constituted authority, Mrs. Eddy had profound veneration for God’s law and gave willing obedience to the laws of the land. As a citizen of a nation whose ideals of government were founded upon those righteous precepts which are embodied in the moral law and the Sermon on the Mount, Mrs. Eddy maintained that not only was it a just obligation, but a privilege and a precious trust to help support the high standard of justice and equality, such as is vested in the Constitution of the United States, which represents the nation’s authority and power. In her spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures, she has presented the concept of “righteous government” in a new light, and Christian Science demonstrates its adaptability to human needs by uncovering and correcting false impressions of government, and in healing disease, poverty, strife, and iniquity of every kind, all of which are hindrances to righteous living.

The support of “a righteous government” begins in the family, where lessons in obedience, respect for law and authority are taught and practiced in the small affairs of daily life. Thus it grows in individual consciousness through education, moral and spiritual development, and in the application of God’s law in politics, or “the science of civil government.” In writing of the promised Messiah, “The Prince of Peace,” Isaiah said, “The government shall be upon his shoulder.”

The responsibility is ours, through the exercise of Christ’s Christianity, to establish the spiritual concept of government, as the unfoldment of God’s divine laws among men and nations. Christianity, as understood by the primitive Christians, meant putting into practice the gospel of Christ Jesus, not relegating it to creeds and dogmas, deifying the human Jesus, or merely dating it as a new era in the world’s historical progress. Jesus was the Way-shower to lead men and nations into true self-government, through an understanding of the Christ, Truth.

The foundational aspects of true politics are still further observed in the second point of Mrs. Eddy’s statement of her political views—”to ‘ love God supremely.” The jurisprudence of some Christian nations rests in part upon the Mosaic law. But on one occasion when asked, “Which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus replied, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” And to “love God supremely” men must have an intelligent understanding of such characteristics of the infinite Being as come within the range of human comprehension and application, among which may be mentioned justice, wisdom, mercy, goodness, and loving-kindness. Learning to know God as incorporeal, as infinite Mind, Principle, Life, Truth, Love, men will love Him aright, and nations will seek divine guidance and find peace and progress under the government of the one Mind. True government is bound up in God’s supremacy, and the right concept of politics uplifts experience through demonstration of God’s law.

The third point, which completes Mrs. Eddy’s answer to the question, “What are your politics?” is to love “my neighbor as myself.” The Apostle James says, “If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well.” This should be to us a “royal law” in the Christianly scientific application of divine law in matters of government. If Mrs. Eddy’s political ideal could be incorporated in party platforms today and engrafted in individual consciousness, what righteous governments we should have, and what loving, industrious, happy peoples!

Some of the problems intertwined with present-day politics were pointed out by Mrs. Eddy in an article entitled “Insufficient Freedom,” published in the New York World, December, 1900, and later included in “The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany” (p. 266), in which she mentions “the most imminent dangers confronting the coming [twentieth] century” as “the robbing of people of life and liberty under the warrant of the Scriptures; the claims of politics and of human power, industrial slavery, and insufficient freedom of honest competition; and ritual, creed, and trusts in place of the Golden Rule, ‘Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.’ ”

Apparently the world is in the very midst of these “imminent dangers.” What are “the claims of politics and of human power” but the reverse of pure ideals based upon righteousness and consideration of the rights and privileges of all? Should not each individual ask himself the question, “What are your politics?” and examine his motives and aims to see that no selfish desire, emolument of office, laxity of interest in country, home, and family creep into his true estimate of politics? If, in the light of Christian Science, each one will take Mrs. Eddy’s threefold answer to this important question and strive to apply it in his daily life, many of these “imminent dangers” will vanish before the irradiance of Truth and Love understood and demonstrated. Christian Science teaches that “righteousness exalteth a nation,” as it exalts the individual thinking which supports “a righteous government.”

You are invited to join us for our Sunday church service on zoom every Sunday at 10 am PT. To join please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. We meet for an hour and then have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science.

The Encinitas Reading Room is currently open by appointment only.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

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Protect yourself with a hazmat suit! (or has-met?) This is a great daily lift by Lona Ingwerson, CS,

February 8th, 2021

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You are invited to join us for our Sunday church service on zoom every Sunday at 10 am PT. To join please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. We meet for an hour and then have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science.

The Encinitas Reading Room is currently open by appointment only.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

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If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.

Join us this morning online for church. 1/31/21

January 31st, 2021

You are invited to join us for our Sunday church service on zoom every Sunday at 10 am PT. To join please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. We meet for an hour and then have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science. 

Screen Shot 2021 01 30 At 10.58.38 PmAlso, there is a month long study for January on the Platform of Christian Science from Science and Health  page 330 to 340. The discussion is facilitated by Christian Science practitioner, Marsha Pecaut. To join this study and discussion go to the website and click on Study the Platform.

We will be on the 31st (XXXI) plank this Sunday.  We are almost to the end but you are welcome to join in, or to start from the beginning when ever you want.

The Encinitas Reading Room is currently open by appointment only.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

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If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.

How do I know God loves me? Inspiring new article from local surfer, Tressie Armstrong, published in the Christian Science Sentinel

January 23rd, 2021

How do I know God loves me?

When we see good things happening; feel a deep sense of peace, inspiration, or healing; or recognize beauty in a moment of nature, it’s all evidence of God loving us.

I was feeling a lot of gratitude one day about good things going on in my life and was sharing it with a wonderful person who has spent much time mentoring me in my spiritual growth. With his help, I’ve learned more about God’s ever-present love for us. His response to my story was, “That’s just God loving you!”

I love that. When we see good things happening; feel a deep sense of peace, inspiration, or healing; or recognize beauty in a moment of nature, it’s all evidence of God loving us.

How do we know God is real? We just need to look for the manifestations, the evidence, of His all-encompassing love. If we are looking to find God as an anthropomorphic being, a big man in the clouds, for example, then we are limiting God’s ability to be what the Bible says God is: omnipotent, all, everlasting, perfect, Love, Spirit.

If God is all and is Spirit, He must be everywhere at all times. And the good news is that our Father-Mother God actually is. How do we know this, especially at times that seem bleak? God is evident in all of His beautiful creation and in His tender love and guidance at hand. We may need to look deeply at times to see evidence of God, but He is always there and is not the source of any evil. In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, referring to God, defines creator in part as “the animating divine Principle of all that is real and good; . . . God, who made all that was made and could not create an atom or an element the opposite of Himself” (p. 583).

We can become aware of the evidence that God is, even when God’s ever-presence seems hidden. One time, when I was feeling a bit out of sorts, I decided I would go for a surf session. Once in the ocean, I just sat still for a bit and mentally embraced all of the beauty surrounding me. The sun was shining; the sky was crystal blue; the ocean was calm; a pod of dolphins swam peacefully past me.

There was no way I could deny God’s presence in that moment. I felt washed clean and fully embraced by the very present and tangible God, good. It was clear to me that what all of that beauty represented was an expression of God loving me. All I needed to do was look for the evidence—the love, grace, and peace—of divine Love’s presence.

We can become aware of the evidence that God is, even when God’s ever-presence seems hidden.

Oftentimes, God’s love is heard and made evident in quiet messages that come to thought. The Bible states in the book of Isaiah, “Thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left” (30:21). The best way to resolve a problem or decide a direction to take is to listen and respond to the angel messages from God that guide us, often coming to us as quiet spiritual intuitions.

When I was expecting my first child, I drove to visit my sister. When it was time to return home, I had very distinct intuitions that I should travel a different freeway than the route I would normally have taken. The alternate route was a little longer, but the intuition was so strong that I decided to take it.

About halfway home, the car broke down, right at the offramp where it was safest and easiest to get assistance. I was able to walk to a very nearby gas station, where there was an attendant who kindly walked back to the car with me and helped get it running again. I made it home without further incident. That was God loving me, guiding me clearly.

In “the scientific statement of being,” Mrs. Eddy includes this affirmation: “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all” (Science and Health, p. 468). To be made manifest is to be visible, recognizable! God is made manifest in His perfect, dear creations. As it says in Genesis in the Bible, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them,” and “God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good” (1:27, 31). That includes you and me.

No one was a more pure and spiritual proof of God than Christ Jesus. In the book of John, Jesus declared that he was evidence of God, the Father. When people asked him if he was the Christ, he responded: “The works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me.  . . . though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him” (10:25, 38).

He also said that his followers could do these works, too: “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also” (John 14:12). As spiritual children of God, we are each the evidence, the proof, that God is. God’s great goodness shines through our lives in transformation and healing.

When we’re faced with challenging situations of any sort—regarding finances, relationships, health, or anything else—we can open thought to see evidence of God loving us in ways big and small. In fact, in the last chapter of Science and Health, “Fruitage,” and in the Christian Science periodicals—the Sentinel, The Christian Science Journal, and The Herald of Christian Science—there are numerous examples of God’s love being made manifest in people’s lives.

All creation is made to prove the supremacy and allness of divine Life, Truth, and Love—synonyms for God. So, the next time you see or feel a particularly good thing happening, for you or for others, you can joyfully know, “That’s just God loving me!”


You are invited to join us for our Sunday church service on zoom every Sunday at 10 am. To join please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. We meet for an hour and then have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science.

The Encinitas Reading Room is currently open by appointment only.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

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If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.

A spiritual response to political division and upheaval with Mark Sappenfield

January 19th, 2021

How can we address gaping political divides and the resulting turmoil? The Editor of The Christian Science Monitor offers a starting point for prayer in this short podcast.

If we look out at the world of politics represented by recent events in the United States, what do we see? We see division: disputed elections, angry voters storming Congress, and violence. Admittedly, division is a tough thing to address. You can’t legislate against it. You can’t declare war on it. You can’t outlaw it. So how do we get out of this spiral that we’re in?

While there’s no policy we can pass, no political platform that can do anything—and it seems like things are just getting worse—there is still hope. Because the lack of solution should actually awaken us to what we really need to be focusing on.

If we’re putting our faith in material processes such as policies and legislation, we’re going to be disappointed. The answer is really in our hearts—is purely spiritual. So, how can we see division through a spiritual lens?

Sometimes I like to do a little exercise in which I assign God a number—like in a math problem. And you can’t think about that very long without realizing that the number you have to ascribe to God is one. There’s no other number you can give God. You can’t have two gods. If you have two gods, then you have none. There’s only one God, which means there’s only one creation—and that creation is spiritual, harmonious, and whole, the reflection of that God, the creation of that God.

Jesus said, “If a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand” (Mark 3:24). And if you look at material thinking, there are twos everywhere. Twoness seems to be the basic building block of mortal-mind-based thinking. So much of what we see sets itself up as binary, as one or the other: man or woman, Black or white, Republican or Democrat, capitalism or socialism. You could go on and on. And what does this do? It tempts us to choose a side. It tempts us into believing that things are divided, that good is divided, and that it’s up to us as human beings to try and unite it.

We overcome the temptation of mortal twoness through the peace of divine oneness.

Think about it in terms of the Bible: What was the first two in the Bible? It was the tree of good and evil, the tree of knowledge in the Adam and Eve story in the book of Genesis. In that story, Adam and Eve were tempted to believe they needed two—both good and evil. The serpent said one wasn’t good enough. But isn’t that the core mistake of mortal thinking?

The very first act of biological life is the division of the cell. Division is baked into matter. If we never rise above matter-based thinking, then we can never rise above division. Division and mortal thinking spring from the same root.

Spiritual thinking is the perfect cure because it knows only one God, the oneness of grace, humble faith and moral confidence that Jesus taught. It frees us to live as witnesses to one God, good, as Isaiah said (see Isaiah 43:10).

At the last supper, Jesus said: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). This peace is deeper than what mortal thinking can possibly know, and it protected and exalted Jesus amid the cruelest tribulation. It can do the same for us. We overcome the temptation of mortal twoness through the peace of divine oneness, which can only be known spiritually.

So when we see scenes like the recent events in Washington, it can be easy to think that our thoughts and prayers don’t matter. That we need to turn to material means to fight for what we think is right or tune out to avoid feeling depressed or scared. But the past few years have shown the exact opposite to be true. In fact, it becomes clearer and clearer by the day that there is no mortal solution to division.

But that also means the solution is in each of us as children of God—in seeing ourselves and all others in this singularly spiritual light and in holding fast to the oneness, the allness, the onlyness of God, good.

To read a transcript of this Sentinel Watch, go to

You are invited to join us for our Sunday church service on zoom every Sunday at 10 am. To join please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. We meet for an hour and then have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science.

The Encinitas Reading Room is currently open by appointment only.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

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If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.

Join us this morning online for church. 1/17/21

January 17th, 2021

You are invited to join us for our Sunday church service on zoom every Sunday at 10 am. To join please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. We meet for an hour and then have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science. 

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Also, there is a month long study for January on the Platform of Christian Science from Science and Health  page 330 to 340. The discussion is facilitated by Christian Science practitioner, Marsha Pecaut. To join this study and discussion go to the website and click on Study the Platform.

We will be on the 10th (XVII) plank this Sunday.  It’s not too late to get caught up 🙂

The Encinitas Reading Room is currently open by appointment only.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions

If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.

Counteracting chaos and disorder By Larissa Snorek from the January 8, 2021 Christian Science Sentinel

January 16th, 2021

Counteracting chaos and disorder

US President Abraham Lincoln stated in his annual message to Congress in 1862: “No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation. . . . The way is plain, peaceful, generous, just—a way which, if followed, the world will forever applaud, and God must forever bless.”

Watching the events unfold at the Capitol in Washington, DC Wednesday afternoon made one thing clear. There’s a ceaseless need for the values of honor, decency, respect, and pursuit of the common good that Lincoln’s message commended. Broadminded, selfless acts of individual leaders throughout history have inspired peace and progress. And they have contributed profoundly to the freedoms we cherish today.

When facing chaos and anger, Christ Jesus stood with divine Truth. This Truth, this divine, Father-Mother presence, was the spiritual power that motivated his every action and established divine law and spiritual authority. It enabled him to face down ignorance, misunderstanding, and desperation. The stability and constancy of God’s intelligent goodness is present now and can be seen and demonstrated in every situation.

What God is and does counteracts the chaos, disorder, prejudice, and self-interest that would corrupt individuals and disable governments. As Mark Sappenfield, Editor of The Christian Science Monitor, said in his podcast “A spiritual response to political division and upheaval,”  there is no material solution to division, as we’ve seen over the past few years. But the good news is that the solution is in each of us as children of God.

We can let peace begin with each of us, right where we are.

This highlights the need for daily prayer that affirms the absolute and forever presence of God, divine Love, the foundation on which freedom for all rests. Prayer for government that is inclusive of every citizen begins with the allness of God’s power, the all-encompassing divine goodness and justice, and the unity of God with each individual. It affirms the true nature of each of us as God’s spiritual expression. It negates and nullifies any supposed legitimacy of evil, danger, harm, and discord.

Holding in our own hearts the qualities we want to see exhibited in our government and living them in our lives is effective prayer. This prayer supports and elevates society. It arrests self-seeking, self-interested motivations and embraces the wisdom and goodness of God as divine Principle and unchanging Truth. American Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer of Christian Science and Founder of the Church of Christ, Scientist, stated in 1900 that among “the most imminent dangers confronting the coming century” were “the claims of politics and of human power, industrial slavery, and insufficient freedom of honest competition; and ritual, creed, and trusts in place of the Golden Rule, ‘Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them’ ” (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 266).

She recognized that the foundation of universal brother- and sisterhood required a spiritual basis: “namely, one God, one Mind, and ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself,’ the basis on which and by which the infinite God, good, the Father-Mother Love, is ours and we are His in divine Science” (Miscellany, p. 281).

Praying is not about ignoring world events or conflict, but about going up higher—elevating our thinking to recognizing what God is doing, now. We can let peace begin with each of us, right where we are, when we hold a purely spiritual view of all, especially those who we feel are at fault. Our unselfish actions and prayers do not excuse anyone’s wrongdoing or smooth it over; they strengthen the expression of integrity everywhere and foster individual acts of love and peace.

As we live the qualities we want to see exhibited in our nations, we are doing our part to elevate the collective consciousness that yearns for a solution to injustice. We hold in our hearts even those with whom we disagree. Living this spirit of Christ and striving to see others the way God sees them takes the life out of fear, turmoil, and hatred. We begin to see our fellow men and women as the direct outcome and expression of divine Love.

The fact is, no division or conflict can disrupt God’s government of all. Nothing can take away humanity’s God-given, eternal gifts of freedom and peace. As we dedicate ourselves to living our prayers, we can each experience this great blessing now.

Larissa Snorek, Associate Editor

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The Encinitas Reading Room is currently open by appointment only.

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Join us for inspiration!

January 9th, 2021

You are invited to join us for our Sunday church service on zoom every Sunday at 10 am. To join please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. We meet for an hour and then have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science. 

Screen Shot 2021 01 09 At 11.01.35 PmAlso, there is a month long study for January on the Platform of Christian Science from Science and Health  page 330 to 340. The discussion is facilitated by Christian Science practitioner, Marsha Pecaut. To join this study and discussion go to the website and click on Study the Platform.

We will be on the 10th (X) plank this Sunday.  It’s not too late to get caught up 🙂

The Encinitas Reading Room is currently open by appointment only.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

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If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.