Third Thursday Garden Music Series Link

May 12th, 2016

 Third Thursday Garden Music Series

This Week in Encinitas!

May 12th, 2016

This Week in Encinitas!

is a News letter about what is going on downtown.

 Note the listing there for our Third Thursday Garden Music Series event coming up on May 19th from 7:30 to 9:00



Common Misconceptions About Christian Science, Answered

May 5th, 2016

Common Misconceptions About Christian Science, Answered

Christian Science is a cult that was created by a science fiction author, right? Um…wrong.

Many people have never heard of Christian Science. Those who have often don’t understand it. But those who dig a little deeper often find their preconceived notions false. Let’s explore together!

1. Christian Science is not Scientology.

Thanks to their similar names, many people think Christian Science is the same thing as Scientology. While the two religions do share five letters, they otherwise have almost nothing in common. Scientology was founded by author L. Ron Hubbard in 1954. Christian Science was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879 after discovering its key ideas in 1866, spending about ten years of careful prayer and study, and publishing the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures in 1875. Christian Science is Bible-based and seeks to restore the healing practice of the early Christian Church prior to 300 AD. It closely adheres to the teachings of Christ Jesus and the other spiritual leaders of the Bible. We won’t speak to Scientology’s practices here, as we don’t want to falsely interpret their ideas. But it’s safe to say that Christian Science and Scientology have almost nothing in common.

2. Christian Scientists do not worship Mary Baker Eddy.

Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, is often a controversial figure. In hindsight, it’s easy to see that this was due in large part to the fact that she, a woman, dared to start an international church, publish seventeen books, and start four periodicals in an era when women couldn’t even vote. Mrs. Eddy drew the ire of muckrakers, misogynists, and other members of the patriarchy during her career, but that doesn’t change the effect that she had on the world. Today some people think that Christian Scientists revere her almost to the point of worship. This is not true. We respect Mrs. Eddy and are grateful to her as the founder of our faith, much in the same way that Lutherans respect Martin Luther or Methodists respect John Wesley. But Mrs. Eddy herself was very clear that she did not want to be considered in any way divine or superior to any other person. She vehemently denied that she was the second Christ when asked by a reporter, and actively avoided attending services at the Christian Science Mother Church in Boston to avoid the development of a cult of personality.

3. Christian Scientists are not forbidden to go to doctors.

Yes, healing is the cornerstone of the Christian Science faith, and most Christian Scientists choose prayer as their first line of defense in any situation, whether it be medical or otherwise. Christian Scientists do this because prayer really works for them. There have been about 80,000 recorded, verified healings, often of conditions diagnosed by the medical establishment as incurable, throughout the history of Christian Science (yes, even today!), along with many more that were not recorded. But, there is no rule or mandate from the church that forbids Christian Scientists from seeking medical treatment, and churches continue to lovingly support Christian Scientists who make that choice. The decision between traditional medical treatment and Christian Science treatment is a completely individual choice for members.

4. Christian Scientists do not give Science and Health precedence over the Bible.

Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures is the Christian Science textbook, written by Mary Baker Eddy in 1875. It expands on the ideas of the Bible and clarifies its teachings into the system of beliefs called Christian Science. However, Christian Scientists still consider the Bible to be the Holy Book. In fact, Christian Scientists put so much importance on the Bible that it, along with Science and Health, is considered Christian Science’s only pastor – that’s right, Christian Science churches do not have an ordained clergy. Selections from the two books are assembled into a lesson sermon months ahead of time by a central committee in Boston, and the same lesson sermon is read by elected congregation members in every single one of the about 2,000 Christian Science churches worldwide.

However, Christian Scientists don’t take every part of the Bible literally. The first tenet of Christian Science states that Christian Scientists “take the inspired word of the Bible as [their] sufficient guide to eternal life” (Manual of the Mother Church, p. 15). Christian Scientists seek the deeper spiritual meaning of all parts of the Bible. For example, Christian Science sees the first chapter of Genesis as the true account of creation, and the second as an allegory.

5. Christian Scientists don’t do science experiments in church.

This was one of the more entertaining misconceptions I have heard. No, there are no chemistry experiments during the service! Christian Science’s name can sometimes confuse people. Christian Scientists believe that the system of healing that Christ Jesus originally taught was in fact a demonstrable, repeatable science, based on the divine laws of God. Hence, the term “Christian Science.” That’s not to say that many Christian Scientists aren’t scientists in the traditional sense. But usually, mainstream science doesn’t spill over into Christian Science church services.

6. Reading Rooms are not churches.

You may have seen a Christian Science Reading Room at a downtown location in a city near you, or even in your own hometown. Some people think these are churches. This is not the case. A Reading Room is a bookstore and study space where Christian Scientists and the general public can purchase CS literature, prayerfully study, or read the lesson. The Christian Science Monitor, an international newspaper run by the church that has won seven Pulitzer Prizes, can also be purchased at reading rooms. Originally founded by Mrs. Eddy (at the ripe age of 88) to combat yellow journalism in the early 1900s, the Monitor is known for optimistic, unbiased, non-alarmist news reporting, and is considered one of a handful of “national newspapers” in the United States. The Monitor’s mission has always been to provide a balanced, realistic view of world affairs. While the newspaper chooses to shed light on positive aspects of world news, it does not gloss over world problems or pretend that nothing bad is happening; in fact, the Monitor was one of the first newspapers to expose the nature of the Nazis’ rise to power in the 1930s. Christian Science churches are quite similar to those of other denominations, featuring a main auditorium, a Sunday School, and other ancillary rooms including board space and a childcare space. Christian Science churches feature a wide range of architectural styles, but the majority of them are neoclassical (Greco-Roman), Georgian (colonial), or modernist in style. Evanston has one historic Christian Science church and one currently functioning one. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Evanston, is located downtown near several other churches. You have probably seen its impressive front portico. That church is functioning as Nichols Concert Hall of the Chicago Music Institute and is not currently a Christian Science Church. Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Evanston, is located off Central street and meets for worship at 10:30 AM on Sundays and 7:30 PM on Wendesdays. The most well-known Christian Science church is The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston (pictured,) which is also known as “The Mother Church” and serves as Christian Science’s headquarters. The Mother Church seats five thousand people, and includes one of the world’s largest pipe organs, with over 13,700 pipes.

7. Christian Scientists are not fanatical cult members.

Some people who don’t know much about Christian Science think that it is a cult with fanatical members closed off from society. This could not be farther from the truth. Cults usually feature a central leader who demands total obedience from members and typically cuts off involvement with the outside world. Christian Science has no such central leader, and readers in Christian Science branch churches are democratically elected by congregations, with set term limits. Readers in CS Churches typically serve about three years. The Mother Church has a Board of Directors that is appointed by the previous Board, but there is no central leader like a pope or patriarch.  The study of Christian Science is very individual, with each Christian Scientist doing his or her own best to work out a personal understanding of God. Christian Science is a quite normal Christian denomination with members involved in every aspect of the community. Christian Scientists are involved in Government, industry, law, scientific fields, entertainment, and the arts. You might be surprised to hear that a number of well-known people were/are Christian Scientists, including actor Ginger Rodgers and bandleader Kay Kyser. Any Christian Scientist is more than happy to talk to you about his or her faith, and Christian Science Churches and Reading Rooms are always open to visitors with questions.

8. Yes, Christian Science is Christian.

Some people say Christian Science is not Christian, owing to its unique viewpoint on certain aspects of the Scriptures. But here’s the facts. Christian Scientists believe in one all-powerful, all-loving God who created everything in the universe and is wholly good. They acknowledge Jesus as God’s son, and believe in the virgin birth and the resurrection (however, Christian Scientists do not believe that Jesus was God, which Jesus himself affirmed multiple times in the New Testament). Christian Scientists believe in all of Jesus’ so-called “miracles,” although they believe them to be natural expressions of God’s law and not supernatural or miraculous occurrences. Christian Scientists take to heart Jesus’ command to “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons” (Matthew 10:8), which can be found on the seal of the Christian Science Church. Christian Scientists, though they don’t believe that Jesus was God, see him as the highest possible human example, the “way-shower.” Jesus is seen as a great teacher who first brought the light of Christ to the world in its complete form. Christ is seen as the idea that Jesus taught, while Jesus was a man who lived in the first century. However, it is impossible to fully explain the Christian Science viewpoint on the nature of God in one paragraph; that would be like trying to explain calculus in five minutes. Our CSO would be happy to answer deeper questions about the Christian Science perspective on God and the role of Jesus.

9. Christian Science is not “faith healing.”

Yes, Christian Scientists rely on prayer for healing. But this prayer does not include rituals, laying on of hands, anointment with water or oils, chanting, or desperate appeals to God. It is not predicated on the idea that God has chosen to send a disease and can choose to take it back if begged convincingly enough. It is not based on the idea that Jesus will descend from the heavens and heal somebody. And it certainly isn’t based on blind faith. Christian Science prayer is a silent affirmation of God’s unchanged spiritual laws, an acknowledgement of man’s already perfect state, and a lifting of thought to the point where one can clearly hear the “still, small voice” of God. Christian Scientists do not pray to change a bad situation or to heal a disease- they seek to reach a higher understanding that the bad situation or the disease never existed in the first place. As with Christian Science’s views on Jesus and God, it is impossible to adequately convey the experience of Christian Science prayer in a paragraph, but Christian Science prayer is a very holy, uplifting, individualized experience that moves beyond repetition of certain words into a deeply spiritual, rational sense of the divine. Christian Scientists do not believe that it is ever God’s will for somebody to suffer or die. In fact, Christian Scientists don’t even believe in a place called Hell. Christian Scientists believe that heaven and hell are states of mind and that sin, which many Christian Scientists think of as “missing the mark,” is forgiven as soon as it is destroyed, and that man is forever innocent and loved in God’s eyes. Is this healing really effective, or are Christian Scientists crazy? Well, there are hundreds of thousands of documented healings in Christian Science of everything under the sun. Many supposedly “incurable” conditions including tuberculosis, polio, cancer, alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, diabetes, mental illness, and Alzheimer’s disease have been permanently healed in Christian Science by applying the same ideas that Jesus used to heal. These healings are published in Christian Science periodicals such as the Sentinel, Journal, andHerald, and they have to be verified by three people before they are published. A great number of these healings also include verification or an initial diagnosis from the medical establishment. In fact, Christian Science’s early growth was due in large part to the fact that many people were saved from deaths’ door by Christian Science after the medical establishment had completely given up on them. Christian Science healing also extends to difficult financial situations, protection in wartime or against crime, and relationship issues. If anyone ever tells you that Christian Science healing is fake, read the numerous accounts yourself and make your own decision.

10. Christian Scientists aren’t asking for the right to “do nothing.”

In line with the misconception above, some people think that Christian Scientists seek exemption from medical legal mandates because they don’t want to be cured or they don’t want to do anything about a medical condition because they believe it’s God’s will for them to suffer. This could not be farther from the truth. Christian Science is not “positive thinking” or “mind over matter,” and Christian Scientists are not Pollyannas who walk about in complete denial. Christian Scientists acknowledge that evil seems to be a reality that needs to be dealt with in our experience, but rather than “fighting fire with fire,” Christian Scientists seek to destroy this seeming evil through the knowledge of good’s supremacy and allness. Christian Scientists do not hate doctors or the medical establishment. In fact, we have the exact same mission- to heal people! Christian Scientists just go about it a different way, and ask for their Constitutional religious rights to do so. Christian Science prayer is not “doing nothing.” It is a very active process of “knowing the truth” that brings about healing, often quite rapidly. That said, Christian Scientists are also careful to follow, laws, and, in cases where exemptions are not given, do follow legal healthcare obligations. Mrs. Eddy herself instructed Christian Scientists to always follow the law.


So there you have it! 10 common misconceptions. All of them wrong. We’re not weird. We’re not fanatical. We’re not unreasonable. And we are Christian. If you ever want to know more about Christian Science, please feel free to contact us at



Posted by William Whittenbury on April 11, 2016



April 28th, 2016

You’re Invited to a Free Talk by Mark Ruble



Saturday, May 14th at 11:00 am
Come a little early and Greet Mark before he starts.

Download PDF flyer

First Church of Christ, Scientist,

Rancho Santa Fe – 6165 La Flecha


Tonight, April 21st! – Join us for Emily Drew in the Garden.

April 21st, 2016

Come join us in the Garden tonight from 7:30 to 9:00 for our Third Thursday Music in the Garden Series

This month we are featuring:

Emily Drew

She will be here skillfully weaving her deep emotion into simplistic and pleasant melodies

Emily Drew

Emily Drew is a captivating performer and recording artist. Her style is best described as angelic and sweet, yet soulful. Her carefully crafted music hasbeen compared to well respected artists such as Sara Bareilles, Ingrid Michaelson, and Colbie Callait. She is a national act who has played live for thousands of fans including the House of Blues and recently appeared on the show, Tonight in San Diego.

Next month on May 19th We will welcome back
The Tony Fleet Project

Toni fleet


These are alcohol free and family friendly event.  It’s an alternative place for people to come and hear some great music.

For more information Click Here to download a PDF

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, (just South of H Street – across from Starbucks), Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions


Encinitas Downtown News letter

April 17th, 2016

This Week in Encinitas!

Check the listing of our Third Thursday Garden Music Series for next Thursday.


Encinitas Spring Street Fair
Saturday, April 23, 9am-5pm
Sunday, April 24, 9am-5pm
Enjoy over 450 unique food, arts and crafts vendors plus three entertainment stages, children’s rides, Dog Zone, Adventure Zone, Bike Valets, and a Beer and Wine Garden! Take advantage of free family fun, entertainment, a National Award Winning MainStreet and a traditional So-Cal beach town. Come for the sun, stay for the moonlight.  INFO
South Coast Hwy 101 in Downtown Encinitas

Said Space
Strange Daze In A Hanoi Haze
Roark’s Pop-Up Shop at Said Space
Thursday, April 14, 7pm 

The grand opening of Roark’s Pop-Up Shop at Said Space will feature an intimate slideshow with revivalist and skateboarder Jamie Thomas along with photographer Dylan Gordon. They’ll talk story and share images from Roark’s trip to Vietnam that inspired the Spring/Summer 2016 collection of goods. Photography from the crew’s convoy from Hanoi to Cat Ba Island to Da Nang will be on display with a running commentary on the strange journey through the North.

Slideshow and Grand Opening beginning at 7pm. INFO
Said Space, 766 S. Coast Hwy 101

Swami’s Marine Protected Area: 
What Is It? Where Is It? Why Does It Matter?
Thursday, April 14, 6pm-7:30pm
Hear a presentation from WILDCOAST, an international conservation group, who has been working to educate San Diego residents and visitors about the new MPA network and providing opportunities to participate in stewardship actions INFO
Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive

Come and try Speedminton!
Every Wednesday, 5:30pm
Speedminton is a fun racquet game that can be played anywhere, anytime. It is easy to set up, with no net required. Just pick up a racquet and birdie, and away you go!
Speedminton is running a local playing group and all you need to do is show up! It is FREE for all, the group is co-ed, for all ages and all equipment is provided! Get out and play! To find out more about the game, visit
Swami’s Beach (to the left as you come down the access stairs)

Italian Film Festival: An Italian Name
Thursday, April 14, 7pm
Secrets, friendships, lies and jokes create the fabric of family.  In a single night, all the threads come undone at the Pontecorvos family dinner when a teasing joke ignites powerful revelations, including a wartime Jewish tragedy.  A deeply Italian comedy that will leave you wanting more family dinners with the Pontecorvos!  In Italian with English subtitles. INFO. Tickets $10, $8 (cash only)
La Paloma Theatre, 471 S. Coast Hwy 101

Encinitas Youth of the Year Award:
Accepting Nominations!
Now through April 15
The City of Encinitas Youth Commission invites the public to nominate outstanding youth who go above and beyond in serving their community.  Award recipients will be honored at a City Council meeting and awarded a plaque that will be displayed at the Encinitas Civic Center.
Learn how to nominate a youth superstar HERE

Opening Reception:
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Friday, April 15, 6pm-8pm
Show some love to our Veterans!  The exhibit is a showcase of paintings and artwork by San Diego Veterans.  Meet the artists and enjoy refreshments.  INFO.
                                                                     Encinitas City Hall, 505 S. Vulcan Avenue

Free Advanced Composting Workshop
Saturday, April 16, 10am-noon

Have you always wanted to compost your food scraps but were scared you didn’t have enough experience? Join Master Composter, Dave Emmerson, to learn the answers to these questions.

The following topics will be covered: Composting Basics Active (Hot) Compost, Passive Compost, Composting with Worms and How to Make and Use Compost Tea. RSVP Here.
701 Bonita Drive, behind Ocean Knoll Elementary School

Walking Tour of Old Encinitas 
Saturday, April 16, 10am
The Encinitas Historical Society presents a fact filled walking tour of Old Encinitas!  Find out how Encinitas’ population doubled in the late 1880s, discover which movie stars of the Classical Hollywood Cinema Era visited and lived in Encinitas and see the most photographed buildings in Town. Cost: Free
For more information, call docent Barbara Vilardo at 661-992-5720   
Meet at the Old Schoolhouse, 390 West F Street

Third Thursday Garden Music Series
Hosted by the Christian Science Society of Encinitas
Thursday, April 21, 7:30pm-9:00pm
Join us this month as we will be hosting
singer and songwriter, Emily Drew. Her style is best described as angelic and sweet, yet soulful. Emily has performed on highly celebrated stages such as the famous House of Blues as well as other San Diego stages that have seen the likes of Jason Mraz, Tristan Prettyman, and many more. INFO This is an alcohol free and family friendly event.  Join us!
912 S. Coast Hwy 101

Encinitas Student Film Festival Symposium
Saturday, April 23, 8am-5pm
The day-long event will teach the art of filmmaking to North County high school and college students.  Experience an actual film set as pro’s from the film industry teach all facets of their craft. (San Diego Filmmakers, Encinitas Arts Division)
RSVP required! INFO
Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive 

L101 After Hours Session: Steep Ravine and Second Cousins
Saturday, April 23, 7pm-9:30pm
Steep Ravine is a Nor-Cal based blue grass and folk group steeped in traditional influences, yet thoroughly modern and original. One of the best young acts this side of Mississippi. Opening set by the exquisite local folk pop band Second Cousins. Light refreshments provided.
Cost: $10/$12. INFO
Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive 

Art N Soul’s Anniversary Celebration!
“9 Years, We Love You”
Saturday, April 30, 5pm-8pm
Join us for delicious food, live music, and the spirit or art, originality, and community! The celebration with feature a variety of art and artists, as well as amazing new jewelry designers. Join us! RSVP preferred.
633 S. Coast Hwy 101

Apply For the 2016 Scholarship Program
The Friends of the Cardiff-by-the-Sea Library will be awarding five lucky students $1,500 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who reside in zip codes 92007 or 92024. Scholarship applications must include a maximum 500-word essay by the student and two letters of recommendation from non-family members and proof of residence.
Learn more about the requirements to qualify HERE.
Applications are available at the Cardiff Library, 2081 Newcastle Ave.

Open Mic Nights
Every Wednesday, 6pm-9pm
The Studio presents a weekly open mice open for all ages!  Hosted by local singer/songwriter Kennady Tracy, each slot is 10  minutes or the duration of 2 songs.  Delicious, organic food and refreshments will be available from GoodOnYa.  Sign ups start at 5:45pm.  INFO
The Studio, 1057 S Coast Hwy 101

Farm Volunteers Days
April Sundays 2pm-4pm & Tuesdays 8am-10am
On Sundays, we plant, weed and keep the farm looking beautiful and on Tuesdays, rise and shine like a farmer and help harvest for donation to a local Encinitas food pantry.
Coastal Roots Farm, 441 Saxony Road

Featured Blogger: Gina Martini
Gina is a local Blogger and Health Coach, and the founder of Full On Happiness! This week, Gina shares her insight on some of her favorite viewpoints. Find more in “Encinitas Viewpoints Are Good For Your Health”
I remember the first time I discovered 4th Street in Encinitas. I was on my usual run from Moonlight Beach to the Cardiff Kook and decided to keep as close to the ocean as I could, since the tide was high. I passed D Street Viewpoint like usual smiling as the surfers checked the tide, and then on a whim followed the tiny dirt path behind the old school house, feeling equal bits mischievous and adventurous.

Welcome, Back to Cali!!
If you haven’t been to “Back To Cali”, then you haven’t been to Encinitas yet. The popular apparel and souvenir shop puts tourists and locals in a Golden State of mind, and is always bringing in new inventory. Located right where the Encinitas sign arches over the Coast Highway 101 and D Street, the shop boasts an entire wall of cool, colorful and super-soft tees for men, women and kids. In addition, Back To Cali has a store at the down town Carlsbad Village Faire & satellite kiosk location at the Carlsbad Premium Outlets. Stop in and say Hello! 
509 S. Coast Highway 101

Wednesdays 4-7pm
E St. & Vulcan

Encinitas 101 MainStreet Association, 818 S. Coast Hwy 101, 760-943-1950
Facebook    Twitter    LinkedIn    Pinterest
Encinitas 101 MainStreet, 818 S. Coast Hwy 101, Encinitas, CA 92024
Sent by in collaboration with
Constant Contact


Easter Sunday Service

April 3rd, 2016

Last Sunday, March 27th, we had Elizabeth Griswold sing for us Raise Me Up.

Come Join us today at 4:00 for our Church service. Today we will have Jen Hajj sing for us in our Reading Room Garden.

We are located at:

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, (just South of H Street – across from Starbucks), Encinitas, CA

Phone (760) 753 4545

Driving Directions

Third Thursday Garden Music Series

March 31st, 2016

Check out the You Tubes to get a feel for the evening.






Live Music for the whole family

Free Pizza 
at 7:00 before the music starts

Testimonial Meeting 

Testimonial meetings are open for all to attend. There is Music and singing inspiration readings, and you’ll also hear fellow attendees share insights, experiences, and healing they’ve had as a result of their prayer and study of Christian Science.

Our Third Thursday concert series are an alcohol free and family friendly event.  It’s an alternative venue for people to come and hear some great music.  If the weather is cold we may meet inside

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, (just South of H Street – across from Starbucks), Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions

If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.

If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window. It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.









Easter service in the garden this Sunday March 27th, at 4:00

March 24th, 2016

Come join us for our afternoon Easter service in our garden behind the Reading Room.  Service starts at 4:00 pm and we will have Elizabeth and John Griswold performing for the solo and leading the hymns.  The service lasts an hour and will feature readings from the Bible and from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy




We are located at:

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, (just South of H Street – across from Starbucks), Encinitas, CA

Phone (760) 753 4545

Driving Directions

Tonight! – The Tony Fleet Project

March 17th, 2016

Come join us in the Garden tonight from 7:30 to 9:00 for our Third Thursday Music in the Garden Series

This month we are featuring:

Toni fleet logo

Toni fleet

Tony Fleet’s original music blends elements of classic rock and acoustic folk; it’s sometimes earthy, sometimes spiritual, always positive and uplifting.
The Tony Fleet Project is …
Tony Fleet: guitar, vocals, harmonica
Chuck Vadun: drums and cymbals
Jeff Stedman: bass guitar

This is an alcohol free and family friendly event.  It’s an alternative place for people to come and hear some great music.

For more information Click here to download a PDF

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, (just South of H Street – across from Starbucks), Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions