Annual Meeting invitation video and letter from the Christian Science Board of Directors to be held on June 5, 2023, at 1 p.m. Boston time

March 21st, 2023

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Dear Church Members and Friends,

We can’t wait to be together with you on June 5, 2023, at 1 p.m. Boston time, for the Annual Meeting of The Mother Church! There is much to be grateful for.

It’s quite remarkable to walk down the hall on any floor of the Publishing House, the building that houses all of us in the Boston area who work here, and think for a moment of the sincere and Love-generated devotion that you see and feel everywhere—working together, well-seasoned or brand-new, in support of our Church. It’s impossible not to smile at each encounter.

Where did these wonderful folks come from? From everywhere. From you, the members of The Mother Church worldwide. It’s you who have given witness and support to the development of all who are present. Each one here has been led by Love to join the Christian Science movement in a practical way, and most have come from somewhere other than Boston—Democratic Republic of Congo, Australia, Philippines, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, France, Indonesia, Russia, Brazil, Peru, and on and on. Somehow they have arrived at this place to serve the members of this Church and the whole human family.

But many more are still in the Field contributing through remote work, writing articles and testimonies, serving branches in their community, perhaps training to meet Christian Science nursing needs, or putting their trust in God and entering into public practice and teaching. Our hearts overflow as we think on this. We trust that when a group of Christian Science thinkers come together and turn to God for answers anywhere in the world, a flame is kindling. We know the “tender word and Christian encouragement” of others is better than repetition of doctrine and stereotypical talk, which demean what’s real and true about Science, “aflame with divine Love” (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 367). No one on earth would decline the enduring love that heals and restores, if truly understood and experienced.

But what really brings us all together—the unifying and emboldening factor—is praying from the same standpoint, turning to the same Pastor for guidance. We can’t know a life divided from Church or each other when faithfully following the Science of Christ, the words and works of the master Christian and the discovery of this Science given to us by Mary Baker Eddy.

In recent years the public tenor has had a noticeable level of fear, and that has not yet been completely removed from world thought. But there isn’t an individual receiving this letter who hasn’t in some way been leaning on their best understanding of Christian Science through Scripture, our Leader’s writings, and publications from The Christian Science Publishing Society to lift this cloud. The effect has been that the work of this Church, in its largest sense, while tested, is undeterred.

At Annual Meeting, you will hear that such progress has not stopped. If anything, the challenges of the day have been uniting all of us as we dig deeper into the core of the discovery of the Science of the Christ and its promises. This will be the focus of Annual Meeting 2023 as we explore together in these next months “The discovery today—where hearts catch fire.” Mrs. Eddy’s discovery of this Science cannot be redone or improved upon. It is complete. But our deepening understanding of it always needs mental refreshing, and our proofs of spiritual growth and the shedding of material bonds must be lived.

Speaking of her discovery, Mary Baker Eddy shares this:


The divine hand led me into a new world of light and Life, a fresh universe—old to God, but new to His “little one.” It became evident that the divine Mind alone must answer, and be found as the Life, or Principle, of all being; and that one must acquaint himself with God, if he would be at peace. He must be ours practically, guiding our every thought and action; else we cannot understand the omnipresence of good sufficiently to demonstrate, even in part, the Science of the perfect Mind and divine healing.

I had learned that thought must be spiritualized, in order to apprehend Spirit. It must become honest, unselfish, and pure, in order to have the least understanding of God in divine Science. The first must become last. Our reliance upon material things must be transferred to a perception of and dependence on spiritual things. For Spirit to be supreme in demonstration, it must be supreme in our affections, and we must be clad with divine power. Purity, self-renunciation, faith, and understanding must reduce all things real to their own mental denomination, Mind, which divides, subdivides, increases, diminishes, constitutes, and sustains, according to the law of God.

—Mary Baker Eddy, Retrospection and Introspection, pp. 27–28


This is good food for thought in preparation for our coming together. As in the recent past, we would love for those who can to join us in person in Boston. For those who can’t, the Annual Meeting team is planning an online opportunity to join. The meeting will be offered in simultaneous interpretation in French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese. We are considering other experiences we can share on Saturday and Sunday of Annual Meeting weekend as well. More to come on that. Please see for details as they develop. As always, if you have your own “report from the Field” to share, please be in touch with the Clerk of The Mother Church at or by calling 617-450-3481.

With much gratitude for each of you,

The Christian Science Board of Directors



Rich Evans



Barbara Fife



Scott Preller



Mary Alice Rose



Keith Wommack

Join us this morning at the Reading Room this Sunday for church in person or online

March 5th, 2023

You are invited to join us for our Sunday church service at the Encinitas Reading Room this Sunday morning  in person or on zoom at 10 am PT. To let us know your coming, please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. We meet for an hour and then have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science. 

The Encinitas Reading Room is currently open by appointment only.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions

If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.

Downtown San Diego Christian Science Reading Room Open House and Fundraiser

February 26th, 2023

Join this event for an in-person talk by
Rick Mannerino, Christian Science Practitioner

“What am I expecting?”

Saturday, March 25 at 1:00 p.m. PDT
The Jointly Maintained Christian Science Reading Room is located at 522 C Street, San Diego, click for google map

This talk will also be available via Zoom sponsored by The Encinitas Christian Science Reading Room.

Click here to zoom in

Screen Shot 2023 02 26 At 6.47.44 PmRick has been listed as a fulltime practitioner in the Christian Science Journal for eighteen years. He is a resident of Pacific Beach (San Diego), California. On most Sundays he teaches a 2 1/2-hour class about Christian Science at the Marine Corps Recruitment Depot (MCRD), San Diego — where the United States Marines Corps sends their recruits from the western half of the states to begin boot camp. In addition, he is the proud parent of a sophomore university student. Rick has found his favorite moments occur during fishing and surfing adventures.

Make checks payable to:
Jointly Maintained Christian Science Reading Room
Please send directly to the Treasurer:
Maxine Rippberger, 3920 Monroe Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008-2736 PayPal may be used to donate via

The Jointly Maintained Christian Science Reading Room is located at 522 C Street, San Diego, CA 92101 For more information and directions visit our  Web site Phone: (619) 234-1685 · email address:

This free webinar talk is sponsored by the Jointly Maintained Christian Science Reading Room

Download PDF

2023 March – Rick Mannerino Talk

Video night this Friday night 1/27/23 at 6:00. We will be sharing a talk given by Mark Sappenfield editor of the Christian Science Monitor entitled: A firm foundation for growth.

January 23rd, 2023

Come join us this Friday night for food and inspiration at the Encinitas Reading Room.  We will be having BBQ chicken sandwiches at 5:30 and start Mark’s talk at 6:00 with discussion after.  

Mark’s talk is a rebroadcast of one he gave at Morning Light nursing home’s 2022 annual Meeting address.  Mark’s thought provoking ideas I am sure will lead us to a lively discussion of how we can continue to grow with our community.

Please join us and if you come early you can bring something to share when we break bread at 5:30.

See you Friday!

You are ialso nvited to join us for our Sunday church service at the Encinitas Reading Room in person or on zoom Sunday mornings at 10 am PT. To let us know you are coming, please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. After church we have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions

If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.





Happy new year 2023! No church service today. See you next Sunday. Check out this 1927 Christian Science Journal article. It spiritualizes the concept of gate- and it seems perfect as we go from one year to the next. We have a Divine Gate into the Kingdom of Heaven, and it’s beautiful!

January 1st, 2023




From the April 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN the third chapter of Acts, in one of the most interesting incidents of early apostolic days, it is related that one who had been lame from birth was carried daily and laid “at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful,” that he might ask alms of those who entered into the temple. On a certain day, as Peter and John were going to the temple at the hour of prayer, this one lying at the Beautiful gate asked an alms of them, and Peter said to him, “Silver and gold have I none ; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” And we are told that “he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.” And the people that stood by “knew that it was he which sat for alms at the Beautiful gate of the temple: and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him.”

No further description of this Beautiful gate is given in the Biblical narrative ; but in the eastern wall of the temple area in Jerusalem, near the famous Golden gate built in the time of Constantine, may still be seen two enormous jambs, now used as pillars, which appear to be the remains of a very ancient gateway. Tradition calls this the ruin of “the Beautiful gate of the temple,” mentioned in Acts, which probably led into the splendid colonnade known as Solomon’s porch. Josephus says that the temple had “nine gates which were covered with gold and silver; but there was one gate which was without the temple, and was of Corinthian brass and greatly excelled those which were only covered with gold or silver. The other gates were of the same size, but the Corinthian gate which opened on the east, over against the gate of the holy house itself, was much larger. This last most likely was the gate which is called Beautiful, because it was on the outside of the temple, to which there was easy access, and because it evidently was the most costly.”


To the people of to-day the value of this ancient gate, once called Beautiful, lies not so much in its intrinsic merit as an archaeological relic of the past, as in its association with the healing work of the apostles, and in the spiritual beauty which it may be said to symbolize. In this respect the gate Beautiful will remain a living reality long after the traditional pillars in the temple area in Jerusalem have crumbled away, and the place where they now stand has been lost in the debris of the onrushing centuries; for it has become one of the ineffaceable landmarks denoting the progress of the Science of healing, which Jesus and his early followers taught and demonstrated. Yet it was not of the radiance of Corinthian brass gleaming in the afternoon sunshine, nor of the grace of classic architecture which this one who “stood, and walked” for the first time in his life was thinking as he circled round among the people in Solomon’s porch. He was thinking of a far more transcendentally beautiful gate, the peerless gate of spiritual healing, which leads into the temple “not made with hands,” wherein is seen reflected the perfect man made in the image and likeness of God. As the light from this temple of glorified being streamed into his consciousness, all hereditary, crippled, and limiting beliefs faded away, and “immediately,” it is written, “his feet and ankle bones received strength;” for strength always belongs to man, God’s perfect spiritual idea. This joyous moment of instantaneous healing is clearly explained by Mrs. Eddy in the Christian Science textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” (p. 14), where she writes: “Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual,—neither in nor of matter,—and the body will then utter no complaints. If suffering from a belief in sickness, you will find yourself suddenly well. Sorrow is turned into joy when the body is controlled by spiritual Life, Truth, and Love.”

It is “at the hour of prayer,” of spiritual communion with the divine ever-presence, that this moment of spiritual consciousness comes and brings its mental peace and its physical healing. When Peter and John came to the temple, they were filled with the spirit of prayer and praise because of the Pentecostal blessings which they so recently had received. But they already had shared with others their material riches; there was only one thing left to give to him who so piteously begged for alms at the Beautiful gate. Had he faith to reach out for it? Then Peter said, “Look on us;” and to the uplifted thought there must have come the longing for heavenly riches, for he grasped the hand extended to raise him out of his helpless condition, and through the Beautiful gate of healing entered with the apostles into the temple.

The spiritual meaning of the word “temple” is thus given by Mrs. Eddy in Science and Health (p. 595): “Body; the idea of Life, substance, and intelligence; the superstructure of Truth; the shrine of Love.” Any gateway which leads to this understanding of “temple,” is adorned with a beauty which neither burnished brass nor marble column can approach. In a poem of exquisite grace, James Russell Lowell has personified the Beautiful gate in a legend which tells how a knight, returning impoverished from a lifelong search for a traditional treasure—the cup out of which the Master partook of the last supper with his disciples— found the healing Christ at his own threshold while he shared his brown crust and bowl of water with a leper at the gate, when lo,

A light shone round the place;
The leper no longer crouched by his side,
But stood before him glorified,
Shining and tall and fair and straight
As the pillar that stood by the Beautiful

In each and every consciousness there is a gate called Beautiful; but as with the legendary knight of old searching for material treasures, or the cripple of Pentecostal days, years of sickness, suffering, possibly of wandering, may elapse before one learns to look away from perishable things, and to search in the straight and narrow way of spiritual living for the Beautiful gate which leads into the kingdom of heaven on earth. Sometimes this spiritual realization comes through prayer and consecration ; sometimes through bravely facing the difficult places in daily life; often by breaking one’s bread with another in need. At times one may see this Beautiful gate afar off and steadily advance towards it; or, again, he may come upon it suddenly at some bend of the road, and at once lose his former mistaken sense of values. Each one in his own way is advancing towards a gateway which some day he will call Beautiful, because it will lead him “at the hour of prayer” into the temple of God.

No stately pillars marked the spot where Jacob saw the ladder which reached from earth to heaven, saw the messengers of God as angels ascending and descending upon it, and heard the voice of God awakening him to a sense of enlarged opportunities and greater responsibilities, and assuring him of divine guidance. Yet, in the dawning light, as Jacob lifted his head from the stony pillow upon which it had rested, he exclaimed, “This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.” Alone in the desert at night, with only the stars as sentinels, Jacob had found the gate Beautiful, the way to heaven or harmony, and, afterwards, in all his wanderings, and through many a sorrow, he never forgot the spiritual vision.

In home or office, in prison or mansion, in the depths of the earth or on the heights above the earth, on the sea or in the desert, one may find this Beautiful gate of spiritual inspiration. It stands in the plain, straight road of common duties lovingly performed, of fair-play business methods, of magnanimous conduct, of healing the sick and comforting the sorrowing. Wherever Truth is revealed, the gateway opening to it is always beautiful, although at the time one may not be conscious of its loveliness. Saul of Tarsus came suddenly upon the gate Beautiful at noonday, while on the road to Damascus, whither he was going to persecute the followers of Jesus. No visible archway marked the spot where the “light from heaven” shone round about Saul, and where he heard the voice of Truth; but the revelation of man’s high estate as a child of God was so wonderful to him that for the time being he lost his sense of earthly sight. After Saul had been healed of this blindness, his entire nature was so altered that his name was changed to Paul, and he found himself a “chosen vessel” designed to carry the gospel of Jesus the Christ to the Gentile world. In the loftiness of his zeal, Paul later wrote: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? . . . For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Believing that these words of Paul, and other similar Bible statements, were literally true, and that the healing works of Jesus were demonstrable in every age, Mary Baker Eddy found the gate Beautiful along the road of faith in the power of God’s Word rightly understood. With her textbook, the spiritual interpretation of the Word of God, Mrs. Eddy has reopened all the jeweled gates into the city which lieth foursquare, the New Jerusalem, in which there is no material temple or body, no need for light of sun or moon, no necessity for unremitting toil, no limitation, no struggle for wealth or position. In this city there is no crying, no dying, no sin, no sickness, for it is entered through the Beautiful gate of spiritual understanding. No river of Lethe or death separates this holy city from man; for it is the kingdom or knowledge of God come down to earth, as the Revelator foresaw.

Many people even now are conscious of their active citizenship in this city of God; and they are going about, as did Jesus when he dwelt among men, healing the sick, cleansing impure thoughts, comforting those who are bowed down with grief and care. Such workers, having the Mind “which was also in Christ Jesus,” joyously appreciate the truth as revealed in Christian Science and expressed in Mrs. Eddy’s words in “The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany” (p. 132): “Divine Love hath opened the gate Beautiful to us, where we may see God and live, see good in good,—God all, one,—one Mind and that divine ; where we may love our neighbor as ourselves, and bless our enemies.” And she says further (p. 133): “Ofttimes I think of this in the great light of the present, the might and light of the present fulfilment. So shall all earth’s children at last come to acknowledge God, and be one; inhabit His holy hill, the God-crowned summit of divine Science.”


You are invited to join us for our Christmas Sunday church service at the Encinitas Reading Room in person or on zoom Sunday mornings at 10 am PT. To let us know you are coming, please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. After church we have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions

If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.

Merry Christmas from the Encinitas Reading Room2022

December 25th, 2022
Screen Shot 2022 12 25 At 9.11.09 AmYou are invited to join us for our Christmas Sunday church service at the Encinitas Reading Room in person or on zoom Sunday morning at 10 am PT. To let us know you are coming, please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. After church we have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions

If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.

Tonight downtown Encinitas Holiday Parade. The Reading Room will be open from 4 to 7. Come join us for some hot cider and treats with a front row view

December 3rd, 2022

Encinitas Holiday Parade

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The Encinitas Holiday Parade Committee is excited to announce the 2022 parade theme is “Classic Encinitas”. From cars to fashion to music, and Encinitas legends, lore and tradition, at the 2022 parade we’ll see our parade entries go all out representing what “Classic Encinitas” means to them. Look forward to a blast from the past and a holiday celebration for ages! The Parade Committee is also happy to name Encinitas’ own, Warren Raps as the 2022 Parade Grand Marshal. Give Warren a wave and a holler as he cruises the parade route at this year’s parade.

Satisfied in 2022

November 23rd, 2022

Happy Thanks Giving From the Christian Science Reading Room in Encinitas

Enjoy this Video Made by Discover Bound

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We currently are not holding A Thanksgiving Testimonial Meeting

but locally the closest place to us is at the Rancho Santa Fe Church at 10:00 am. Directions.
Or find a Thanksgiving church service in your area by Clicking here

You are also invited to join us for our Sunday church service at the Encinitas Reading Room in person or on zoom Sunday morning at 10 am PT. To let us know you are coming, please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. After church we have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science.  

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions

If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.

The Garden of the Great Spirit October 31st 2022

November 10th, 2022

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October the 31st can conjure up many images and emotions, but at the Christian Science Society of Encinitas Reading Room, we take this opportunity to reach out to the community and bless big and small with a stroll through the Garden of the Great Spirit. This year’s event had another very large attendance, up in the thousands, from both repeat guests that were delighted to be greeted again by friendly faces and big smiles as they made their way through the decorated garden, as well as first time visitors looking in wonder as they read signs of Truth and Love and met with costumed greeters. One such visitor approached to say, “ I really feel the Spirt here”For many, it may be their first introduction to knowing God is Love, and for others it may just be a peaceful respite from what can be a frightening evening, but everyone who came through expressed gratitude either by word or smile.
Some stopped to ask questions about Christian Science, some took literature, but most of all it blessed the community with sharing messages of Truth and also a little fun and a sweet treat. Watch for it again next Halloween, as we will be back to welcome all to the Garden of the Great Spirit once again.

 Tempimageecxstn Also, put November 20th on your calendar this year to come to the Reading Room to volunteer, participate, or just take in the vibe of the day at your local community Christian Science Reading Room as it opens up for the day during the Encinitas Street fair.  When you come, you will find that we are not just passive observers of the event, but instead an active focal point where we interact with the fair Tempimagex2vpe1goers as they flood through our gate and into the garden to play the God’s name game.
Over the years we have become one of the fair’s most popular events with hundreds of kids and their parents in tow entering the Reading Room garden to play this game and have a day of Christian Science Sunday school learning the 7 synonyms of God as expressed in the Christian Science text book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

Tempimageujws4zPlease come and be a part of this community event.  If for some reason you can not attend but would like to support our event,  you may do so by sponsoring 10 kids with their T-shirt prize that they receive after completing the game.  The cost for a sponsorship is $100 for 10 kid’s, or however more or less you want to sponsor as the Spirit moves you. To donate please click here.

Spread the word and please let us know anyone who would like to help out.  You are always invited to join us for our Sunday church service at the Reading Room in person or on zoom Sunday morning at 10 am PT. To let us know you are coming, please email us at and we can help you find the link to our meeting. After church we have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science.  *Please note: we do not have church during the Street Fair, but we do have the Mother Church service playing on the computer in our quiet study room.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions

If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your



improve government by leaning on God.- Listen to this conversation with the editor of the Christian Science Monitor Mark Sappenfield

November 6th, 2022

improve government

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Last February 2022, the Editor of The Christian Science Monitor, Mark Sappenfield, shared his thoughts on the challenges and opportunities during a time of great political division. Since we received quite a few comments and questions from listeners, we invited Mark back to the studio to take another look at how we can improve government by leaning on God.

You are also invited to join us for our Sunday church service at the Reading Room in person or on zoom Sunday morning at 10 am PT. To let us know you are coming, please email us at and we can send a link to our meeting. After church we have an open discussion about the week’s Bible lesson and/or testimonies of healing and comments and questions about Christian Science.

Phone (760) 753 4545

912 S. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas, CA 92024

Driving Directions

If you would like to receive information from our Christian Science Society of Encinitas which includes notices about our events and services, please enter your email address to the right in the subscribe window.  It is free, and you will then be sent an email to confirm your subscription.