contribution page

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our outreach efforts to spread the Word and Mrs Eddy’s spiritual understanding of the healing works. Below is an example of our outreach activities.

Currently we have expenses of around 50K annually which consist of our operating cost and maintenance, outreach, lectures, and a modest payroll for  a reading Room Manager, 2 assistants, and a treasure.  All or the rest of what we do is from our member volunteers and from other local CS churches.

Our lecture this year cost around 5K

Our big expense for outreach is for T shirts for our biannual street fair.  This year it was around 3K

The Garden of the Great Spirit during Halloween is around $500

If you or your organization can help with any of the above, we would be very grateful and would be able to continue spreading our healing message.

For larger donations please contact Bill Blok, Reading Room Manager/fundraiser,

at 541-753- 6395


or mail to:

Christian Science Society of Encinitas
912 S coast Hwy 101
Encinitas, CA 92024

If you would like to help but can only send a smaller donation please consider sponsoring kids with t-shirts for our street fair by Clicking here.

“Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need”

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Christian Science Society of Encinitas