{ "version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1", "user_comment": "This feed allows you to read the posts from this site in any feed reader that supports the JSON Feed format. To add this feed to your reader, copy the following URL -- https://mindheals.us/2017/06/22/mary-baker-eddy-a-heart-in-protest-uideo-narrated-by-robert-duvall/feed/json -- and add it your reader.", "home_page_url": "https://mindheals.us/2017/06/22/mary-baker-eddy-a-heart-in-protest-uideo-narrated-by-robert-duvall", "feed_url": "https://mindheals.us/2017/06/22/mary-baker-eddy-a-heart-in-protest-uideo-narrated-by-robert-duvall/feed/json", "language": "en-US", "title": "Comments on: Mary Baker Eddy \u2014 A Heart in Protest video narrated by Robert Duvall", "description": "Join us!", "items": [ { "id": "https://mindheals.us/2017/06/22/mary-baker-eddy-a-heart-in-protest-uideo-narrated-by-robert-duvall/#comment-112522", "url": "https://mindheals.us/2017/06/22/mary-baker-eddy-a-heart-in-protest-uideo-narrated-by-robert-duvall/#comment-112522", "content_html": "In reply to Jobina.\n\nThanks for your comments! It really is a compelling story", "content_text": "In reply to Jobina.\n\nThanks for your comments! It really is a compelling story", "date_published": "2017-07-01T08:55:24-07:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Bill Blok", "url": "", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/c4f858ac3157baf957c7863c6f7cbb25?s=512&d=mm&r=g" } ], "author": { "name": "Bill Blok", "url": "", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/c4f858ac3157baf957c7863c6f7cbb25?s=512&d=mm&r=g" } }, { "id": "https://mindheals.us/2017/06/22/mary-baker-eddy-a-heart-in-protest-uideo-narrated-by-robert-duvall/#comment-112516", "url": "https://mindheals.us/2017/06/22/mary-baker-eddy-a-heart-in-protest-uideo-narrated-by-robert-duvall/#comment-112516", "content_html": "This is a wonderful video. It includes footage with comments from Professor Martin E. Marty, who taught for 35 years at the University of Chicago Divinity School, and other historians. It's a video that puts Mrs. Eddy's life and contributions into context of American history - including her research into homeopathy and the use of placebos - both of which she left behind after discovering a Science that went beyond those two methods. Really appreciate you posting it here.", "content_text": "This is a wonderful video. It includes footage with comments from Professor Martin E. Marty, who taught for 35 years at the University of Chicago Divinity School, and other historians. It's a video that puts Mrs. Eddy's life and contributions into context of American history - including her research into homeopathy and the use of placebos - both of which she left behind after discovering a Science that went beyond those two methods. Really appreciate you posting it here.", "date_published": "2017-06-30T22:07:41-07:00", "authors": [ { "name": "Jobina", "url": "", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/f449e5d790f763f353fd0473ccb1db27?s=512&d=mm&r=g" } ], "author": { "name": "Jobina", "url": "", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/f449e5d790f763f353fd0473ccb1db27?s=512&d=mm&r=g" } } ] }